Mark Friedman’s Hockey Dryland Training Experience

Mark Friedman talks about his success training at LPS Athletic and the competitive advantage that it has given him.

“Hi. My name is Mark Friedman. I’m from Toronto Ontario. I play hockey at Bowling Green State University. I started my hockey career when I was roughly 4 years old. I grew up playing in greater Toronto area for the Don Mills Flyers. Then after that, I played a year at Ontario Junior Hockey League for the North York Rangers. And then, I was actually drafted to the USHL in Waterloo, which is in Iowa. I played two years there. And then I was drafted out of my second year at USHL to the Philadelphia Flyers.

And I’m currently right now playing Hockey at Bowling Green State University. My first experience with Clance was unlike no other. He’s like a father figure is the first impression I got on him. Ever since I’ve been here, it’s just been like second father to me. He’s always pushing me. He’s just making sure I can do the best as possible. So it’s, as I said, it’s been an awesome 5 years and I hope to continue.

What I like best about working out with Clance is the competitive atmosphere. You work out with guys who are as determined as you are, and all have a common goal to be be playing in the best league or being the best athlete they can be. And that’s what I want. I trained last year in school, and it was not the same as working out here with Clance. And I regret my decision from work out at school last year because the competitiveness was not even close to what it is here.

And me working out with Jordan, guys like Gordo, Marcus, Webster, Mike Webster, it’s just awesome to see where they’re coming from and where they wanna be. And comparing myself to them is awesome for me to see where I’m at. I’d suggest other athletes to come and train with Clance because you’re gonna get training like you’ve never had before. Yeah, it’s hard work. But hard work become easy work on the ice when you do it for a while, just becomes second nature to you.

Not only does it make your body feel better, but it’s also mental. It’s good for your mental toughness and for all athletes you need mental toughness just as physical toughness. And for me, I can really tell that both size of my body and my mentality have for sure gotten stronger.”

– Mark Friedman, Philadelphia Flyers (NHL)

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About the Author: Clance Laylor

Master Strength Coach at LPS Athletic – The Pro Maker™. Strength Coach, Educator, International Speaker, and Author of the #1 International Best-Selling book DOMINATE: They Can't Ignore You. Master Strength Coach Clance Laylor has emerged as one of the most respected names in professional strength and performance training for athletes. With over 30 years of experience, he has created success for hundreds of Olympians, Competitive & Professional Athletes (in NHL, MLB, NBA, CFL, NFL & MLS), Executives, and Strength Coaches alike. As a former athlete in his younger days, Laylor was struck with a career ending injury which he propelled him through a journey of scientific discovery to help athletes get strong, fast, explosive, agile, mobile, all while preventing injuries.

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