"Personal Trainer in Toronto" The Jacked Executive and head of equity sales at UBS in Toronto. He takes his training seriously, and so do I. He is one of the reasons why so many people are asking questions about the 12 week Jacked Executive Program at LPS.

First and foremost, Alex has been dedicated and consistent with his training, diet, and lifestyle choices. He has made his health and fitness a priority and that is the biggest hurdle to pass! Alex dedicated himself to training like an athlete, 4 times per week, even when that meant being in the gym at 5:15am!

Step two: getting into the gym and meeting one of the professionals at LPS for a Structural Balance Assessment. In Alex’s case, he had a bummed shoulder and a bothersome knee that needed to be addressed. Therefore, the first phase of training focused on correcting the imbalances, particularly in his knees and shoulders. After working on Alex’s structural balance, paying close attention to rotator cuff and VMO work, he was ready to pick up the pace and put on some muscle.

When you don’t have much time, and you want to increase lean tissue, a well-structured hypertrophy phase applying the German Volume Training methodology can be a great tool. With Alex, we jumped right in. We paired exercises together and did 10 sets of 10 repetitions: back squat and leg curls, bench press and chin ups, close grip bench press and Scott bench curls. You want to get muscle? This is how!

Next step: use that new muscle. Make your muscles go to work! Cluster training is a “high density” method of increasing strength that incorporates a “rest-pause” of just a few seconds in between each rep and within each set. This allows partial recovery of the nervous system, and helps you to lift a heavier load for more repetitions than usual, incorporating higher intensity with higher volume. Using the Cluster training method is how Alex was able to increase his lean tissue mass while getting stronger.

And what is the missing link? Diet! The traditional sense of “going on a diet” to slim down for beach season is gone; your diet is simply what you eat, no matter what your goal is. It is important to eat cleanly and understand what your body needs when you are training and when you are trying to be healthy.

Here is a sample of what Alex would eat on training days:
4:30am: Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)
6:30am: Post workout meal (3 cups mashed sweet potatoes)
8:30am: 1 pound of ground bison with 2 cups of broiled broccoli or cauliflower)
12:30pm: 3/4 pound of turkey or beef with 3 cups of Brussels sprouts and a whole avocado.
4:00pm: Chicken breast and small salad
7:30pm: 14oz grass fed steak, 3-4 cups of grilled asparagus and/or other veggies.

And on non-training days or weekends, his meals were similar but with a few exceptions. For example, portions are a bit smaller, though not by much; and there is a Cheat Meal on Saturday that helps you perform better and keeps you sane! Let’s face it, we perform better when we’re happy, and a Cheat Meal is a great way for you to continue enjoying life while you stay motivated to transform your body.

Here is a non-training/weekend meal sample:

6:00 AM: big chicken breast, hand full of nuts and fish oil
8:00am: half a pound of bison (or 3-4 game sausages) with 5 poached eggs sprinkled with turmeric and macadamia nut oil.
Noon: 2 chicken breasts with a huge salad (lettuce, fennel, avocado, spinach, cabbage… olive oil)!
3:00pm: 4 turkey burger patties with 2 cups of any leftover veggies.
7:00pm: 2 pieces of salmon as a substitute for steak at least one night per week

So let go of the idea of “being on a diet” and start making your current diet one that works for you. Make the plan to improve your health and fitness. Get JACKED! It only takes 12 weeks at LPS to become the Jacked Executive.

PS. One of Alex’s favorite Cheat Meal deserts is 3/4 of a 9” Dufflet carrot cake followed by a Green & Black organic chocolate bar… imagine what the rest of the meal could be. Get it!

About the Author: Clance Laylor

Master Strength Coach at LPS Athletic – The Pro Maker™. Strength Coach, Educator, International Speaker, and Author of the #1 International Best-Selling book DOMINATE: They Can't Ignore You. Master Strength Coach Clance Laylor has emerged as one of the most respected names in professional strength and performance training for athletes. With over 30 years of experience, he has created success for hundreds of Olympians, Competitive & Professional Athletes (in NHL, MLB, NBA, CFL, NFL & MLS), Executives, and Strength Coaches alike. As a former athlete in his younger days, Laylor was struck with a career ending injury which he propelled him through a journey of scientific discovery to help athletes get strong, fast, explosive, agile, mobile, all while preventing injuries.

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