
Epic Cheat Meals

I started the second phase of my diet, which consisted of eating within an eight-hour window and having one cheat meal per week, and it was going well.
I did this for two weeks and had fun with some epic cheat meals :-).

But on the third week, I noticed I just had to have some carbs during the evenings – the pull was too great, it was almost uncontrollable.

My wife left some sour keys on the counter for the kids, and I walked by and saw them sitting there, so I took one. I went to watch some T.V. on the couch to unwind before bed. But I couldn’t stop thinking about the taste of the sour keys, so I popped off the couch and grabbed the whole container of candy and devoured them all.

The next morning I weighed myself, expecting my weight to be higher on account of my candy binge the night before, but I was actually one pound lighter.

That Friday I went to a burger spot with the weightlifting team and had a burger with the bun and onion rings.

The next morning I weighed myself, and again, I was one pound lighter.

I was strict for the remainder of the week, and Sunday, December 10th, I hit my goal of 220lbs.

Now, this is a goal I set myself on my birthday, June 24th. So, I went all out and ate what I wanted for the whole day. I ate so much junk food, I literally got sick and went to bed.

The next morning, after the big feast, I put on five pounds.

But I understand that my body needs more carbs, as I am starting to metabolize carbs more efficiently. So I will modify my diet and have two cheat meals with the carbs of my choice on Thursdays and Sundays, and only ONE meal on those days.

I fluctuate from 220 – 223lbs, so it will be interesting to see where I end up on June 24th 2018, as I am seeking a six pack of solid muscle on my abs.

On a side note, I see people wasting their time doing all this ab work and they can’t see their abs, but you need to drop abdominal fat first so you can at least see your abs.

I see people doing way too many high repetition sit-ups – if you want to pack on muscle and make your abs look hard and thick, you need to do weighted ab work with rep ranges from 3 – 8, for 6 to 20 sets.