Do you feel that your arms are lagging behind when it comes to the development of your physique? There are several factors to take into account that may play a role in the reason as to why your arms can’t grow, but don’t fret, we are here to help! Although the biceps comprise 1/3 of the development of the upper arm, it is certainly aesthetic to carry a set of sleeve-splitting guns to your arsenal.
Below is a biceps giant-set program that can be completed in conjunction with your standard training program at a minimum of twice per week. If you really want to bring a lagging body part back from the depths of the underworld, you cannot simply train this muscle once per week and expect significant growth. 5 days of rest in between a localizing arm session is simply not enough.
The system in place is an ‘8-8-15’ giant set. This system employs three exercises completed in succession of another immediately, with a rest period of 90-120 seconds after, dependent on fatigue. It is important to recognize that to effectively make the most out of this system, all exercises completed in the giant set must each create an emphasis in a different component of the strength curve for the muscle group.
A1: 45 degree incline biceps curl
– Supinating/elbows tucked back
– Thumb on end of DB; at top of rep, pull wrist to shoulder
5×8 4011 rest 15s
A2: DB Scott Curl (1/4 @ bottom)
– Neutral grip
– Pinky on end of DB
5×8 3211 (2=pause at quarter) rest 15s
A3: EZ bar standing reverse curl
-wrists extended/elbows in front and tucked in
-stop @30deg from bottom and pause
5×15 3110 rest 120s
Complete this program for a total of 8 sessions, training twice per week in conjunction with your training program and don’t be surprised if you fill in a few inches on those sleeves (or perhaps cause a small rupture in said sleeve’s fabric).
Vince Lucente, NSCA-CPT, BaSc. KIN
Strength and Conditioning Coach
Laylor Performance Systems
About the Author: Clance Laylor
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